Our Latests Books

Name: “Kitab As-Sunnah by ‘Abdullah ibn Al-Imam Ahmad.” (complete book)
Description: Verily when many of the sects and desires spread in his time: such as the Jahmiyyah, the Khawārij, the Murjiah, the Mu’tazilah, the Rāfidah and others, and they openly showed from their innovation and misguidance what they showed, he – rahimahullāh – and those who were with him in his time of leaders in hadīth and narration, rose to establish the Light of Allāh and to extinguish the fire of innovation. So he wrote his Book “As-Sunnah” as a refutation of the Jahmiyyah.
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Name: “Sifah An-Nifaq wa Dhamm Al-Munafiqin” by Abu Bakr Ja’far ibn Muhammad Al-Firyabi.
Description: This book is a gathering of ahadith and narrations that describes the characteristics of nifaq (hypocrisy) in a persons iman. It furthermore brings the statements of our righteous Salaf which describe how they – despite of their status in this religion – still would fear this disease for themselves. In the introduction of the book some narrations are included that speak about some types of nifaq that are prevailant today, such as wanting the judgment of taghut, listening to music and more.
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Name: Naqd ‘Uthmān ibn Sa’īd ‘alā Al-Marīsī Al-Jahmī Al-‘Anīd fīmā Iftarā ‘alā Allāh fī At-Tawhīd
Description: The words of Ad-Dārimī in this book are a direct answer to specific statements brought by the opposers of the religion – statements which he mentions throughout the book – which he picks apart and invalidates with verses from the Qurān, ahādīth from the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ, narrations from the scholars, methods and dialects of the Arabic language and arguments of logic and intellect.
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Name: “The answer to the Zanādiqah and the Jahmiyyah regarding what they doubted in of the unclear of the Qurān and they interpreted it to something else than its true interpretation”
Descripton: In this book the Imam of Ahlus-Sunnah Ahmad ibn Hanbal refutes the Zanādiqah and the Jahmiyyah in the accusations they made against the Quran and against Allah, and in wha they rejected of the Attributes of Allah the Exalted.
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Name: “Kitab As-Sunnah from the “Masail” of Harb ibn Isma’il Al-Karmani”
Description: This book is considered one of the works of ‘aqīdah in which the author narrates the agreements in issues of belief and Sunnah which he heard from the Salaf; in this case particularly from Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Ishāq ibn Ibrāhīm (or ibn Rāhūyah) rahimahumā Allāh.
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Name: “Al-Ibanah As-Sughra” by Ibn Battah Al-‘Ukbari
Description: Ibn Battah – rahimahullāh – verily clarified the reason for writing this book, and that is that when he saw the people of his time being far from the Sunnah and adhering to it, the spreading of innovations and considering it as something good, and them taking ignorant and misguiding people as lords and leaders in the religion, then all of this led him to writing a shortened book for them in which he reminded them about the Sunnah.
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Name: “Muhasabah An-Nafs wal-Izra ‘alayha” by Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Ad-Dunya
Description: A gathering of narrations from the earlier generations documentating how they would hold their souls to account, criticize and rectify their souls in this life before the account in the afterlife and punish their souls in order not to be overcome by its desires.
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Name: “Kitab Al-Iman” by Al-Hafidh Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Shaybah
Description: His book “Al-Īmān” is considered among the first which was written of the books regarding īmān and the refutation of the Murjiah. In it the author gathered ahādīth from the Prophet (sallAllāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) and the narrations which were narrated from the Salaf of the Ummah and the leaders of the Sunnah in the issues of īmān.
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Name: “An admonition to the God-fearing regarding the obligation of boycotting the people of innovation and desires” by Shaykh Abū Al-Muhannad Shukrī ibn At-Tawfīq ibn ’Uthmān
Description: This book is a complete guide to the manhaj of the Salaf when it comes to questions such as: ‘Who is the Sunnī, and who is the innovator?’, ‘How should we treat the innovator?’ and ‘How do we treat the one who does not disassociate from the innovator?’
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Name: “Ar-Rida ‘an Allah bi-Qadaihi” by Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Ad-Dunya
Description: A gathering of narrations from the earlier generations documentating how they would always be pleased with the decree of Allah, even if this decree would contain something bad or unpreferable.
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Name: “Kitab Al-Mihnah” by Hanbal ibn Ishaq ibn Hanbal Ash-Shaybani
Description: This is the narration of the author Hanbal ibn Ishāq – rahimahullāh – the cousin of Imām Ahmad ibn Hanbal, in which he narrated the incidents and what occurred when the Imām of Ahlus-Sunnah Abū ‘Abdillāh Ahmad ibn Hanbal was tested and afflicted for refusing to say that the Qurān is created.
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Name: “Juz fī Ar-Radd ‘alā Al-Khawārij Al-Mu’āsirah” by Abū ‘Umar Hamdī ibn Būlbābah As-Sulamī
Description: In this book the author explains and clarifies the fundamental principle and belief of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamā’ah regarding the judgment upon a person in this dunyā, and that this solely is done based upon what is apparent from the person, and he firmly establishes that this is the belief of the Salaf with ijmā’. He furthermore uproots every possibility for the Khawārij to ascribe their belief to anyone, except the early Khawārij, and destroys the greatest of their false claims along the way.
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